Discover Solutions to Overcome Workplace Problems

Background image: Path with trees on the side and sun peaking through

Presently, the Staff Ombuds Office is experiencing significant staff vacancies. While the campus is considering how to move the office forward, the ability to provide responsive service at this time will be quite limited. Our office will not be accepting any new ombuds cases, but we are encouraging visitors to complete an intake wherein they will be placed on a waiting list until we have sufficient personnel to properly conduct conflict management services. In the meantime, do not hesitate to pursue other confidential resources such as Employee Assistance and Path to Care. For offices of record, the OPHD and Whistleblower departments, just to name a few, are beneficial resources. For navigational assistance, please visit

The Staff Ombuds Office provides a confidential place for employees to discuss and clarify concerns, identify options, and discover problem-solving strategies to constructively navigate and overcome workplace disputes and problems.  

Fox Cottage

Who We Are

Learn about the office and meet our staff.

What We Do

Learn about the ways we can help you resolve conflict.


What Guides Us

Learn about our guiding principles, set forth by the International Ombuds Association.

Contact Us- 510-642-7823. Language translation services including ASL are available.

Join our Mailing List!

Submit your email address and receive direct information about Staff Ombuds Office events, conflict resolution tips, and upcoming trainings.

Latest Ombuds Report

Picture-Staff Ombuds Office Biennial Report

To request a copy of this report in an alternative accessible format, please contact the Staff Ombuds Office at (510) 642-7823; 711 CA Relay.

Campus Events

Mental Health Awareness Month

Throughout the month of May, Be Well at Work will offer faculty and staff workshops and activities aimed at understanding and supporting your mental health. On May 1, 2024, Employee Assistance will kick off the month by hosting Mental Health Awareness Day The day will include virtual workshops highlighting mental health education and well-being strategies, as well as in-person experiential activities aimed at caring for your mental health (e.g. Pet Hugs, hula hoops, and sidewalk chalk). Join and participate in a few of the activities offered on May 1 and throughout the month!